5 Things You Can Do To Prepare & Upskill In The Wake Of Unspeakable Change
I don’t have to say it, but we are all feeling it right now.
I keep asking myself, “How did we get here?”
Like everyone right now, I understand that everything is scary, challenging and uncertain.
Trust me, I am right there with you.
With everything changing so rapidly and so many people feeling displaced and scared, I want to share some of things I’ve found that can help you prepare what is likely to happen after the quarantine is lifted.
Businesses will change.
Life will change.
How we interact with each other will change.
So I wanted to make sure you’re as prepared as possible.
(You don’t have to do these right away, of course. Whatever you are feeling right now and whatever is going on for you, you are allowed to grieve, and binge-watch Netflix until 3am if that helps you right now.)
But when you’re ready here are some things that can help you.
1. Continue Your Education Online
If you’ve ever wanted to change careers, this is a time to research your options.
Here’s a list of 450 free online classes offered by Ivy League Universities.
2. Upskill
There are plenty of free or low-cost resources to help you upskill as a marketer, so I put together some of my favourites.
Mailchimp course ChimpEssentials by Paul Jarvis is available for $60 off and Paul will donate $30 to a local Foodbank.
Ryan Deiss is offering Digital Marketer Lab for free until March 31.
Billy Gene Is Marketing has discounted his $10k in 30 Days program to $100.
Going freelance? Ash at the Middle Finger Project is hosting an Emergency Money Workshop on March 27th EST.
Randi.io reviews all marketing and online courses, so here’s a great list of many more.
3. Take time off & learn a totally new skill
Fender is offering three months free (no credit card required) to learn guitar.
Sign up for 3 months free here.
4. Learn to be resilient
Notice and acknowledge your feelings can help you develop resilience.
Here’s a blog post that can help.
5. Apply for a remote job
And last but not least, I have a free spreadsheet of remote jobs and resume resources that I created here.
(Click here to see the replay of my Facebook Live covering all of these resources.)
Stay safe and well everyone, and keep washing those hands! 👏🏼
P.S. Remember, keep an albatross length apart and….
Need More Work-From-Home Resources?
👉🏼I’ve put together my favourite resources and tools in my “Little Black Book of Work-From-Home Resources” guide. Grab it here (opens in Facebook Messenger).
Looking For Ways to Generate Cashflow While Your Business is Closed?
If you own a beauty salon, nail bar, gym, yoga or fitness studio, or laser clinic, this is for you…
👉🏼 I have a short, free webinar called “How Businesses Can Adapt + Generate Cashflow (When It’s Not Business As Usual)” … Get instant access here.
In it, I show you some great examples of what other health and wellness businesses are doing right now to help generate cashflow.
(In fact, you can swipe some of these ideas and use them right now, and some of these promotions you can continue to do when you reopen.)