3 Powerful Business Tips I Learned on Clubhouse (That You Can Use Today)
This post originally appeared on my blog here
Is it time to join the Club(house)?
Well, if you’re a business owner or marketer, it’s definitely an app you should check out.
Because there are many opportunities to connect with fellow business owners, or CEO big-wigs you’ve idolised (like the CEO of Jouer Cosmetics, and Elon Musk), or even celebrities like Paris Hilton, which are just not available on other platforms.
So, firstly what is Clubhouse?
Clubhouse is a social audio chat app where users can tune in to interviews, conversations, and discussions between people on a number of topics. Think of it like a podcast, only live instead of pre-recorded.
So far the app is only open to iPhone users, and you can only access it if you have an invitation from someone who is already in the app. (In fact, I have a VIP Secret Room Membership where I work with business professionals 1:1 on Clubhouse, helping them craft a specific campaign to get results, or answer their burning question.)
You enter various “rooms” which are conversations people are having, and you can also host your own room. You can also join various “clubs” and get notified when they go live.
I’ve spent some time in various rooms since December, and here are my three favourite business tips from Clubhouse rooms.
1. Use Amazon reviews to uncover your ideal client’s pain points
This is an oldie but a goodie, as it also applies to service-based businesses too. Discover your ideal client’s pain points by reading Amazon product reviews.
Or if you run a service-based business like copywriting or marketing, search for business books on Amazon and see what pain points people reveal when writing reviews.
This also helps you when copywriting too — you can use customers’ exact words to tap into their brains and convert them faster.
2. Use the chapters of a book on your topic to create an online coaching program
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel! This was a helpful tip to unlock how you can create an online program without having to start from scratch.
Best of all, when you’ve got your program up and running, you can invite your ideal client on a call, and talk them through it to see if they would purchase it, and get their invaluable feedback.
3. Speak about your future as if it’s already happened
This was from an acting coach that worked with Michael Bay on Transformers. This coach works with high-profile Hollywood actors to get them ready for their next role.
He encourages them to talk about the audition for a part as if it’s already occurred, so they can work through any roadblocks standing in their way before they even walk into the auction room.
So, there you have it!
Of course, if you’d like to get more insider secrets on copywriting and chat marketing, you can follow me on Clubhouse: @angelaallan
Or you can join my Secret Room on Clubhouse for my VIPs.
I created this Secret Room because business pros just like you that are in my inner circle often want to work with me but just don’t have the budget…
This gives you personal 1:1 access to me once a month along with a small group of other biz professionals.
It’s 12 sessions for the whole year for a fraction of what I normally charge, where we can work on your specific campaigns with purpose and intention and you’ll walk away with a personalised action plan each month.
👉 To join my VIP Secret Room (and score a Clubhouse invite), click here